Jet [adjective]

Definition of Jet:


Synonyms of Jet:

Opposite/Antonyms of Jet:


Sentence/Example of Jet:

The jet engines are above the wings, located at the back of each wing opposite a small vertical fin.

Last year, Popular Science took an in-depth look at Boom and other companies that want to bring supersonic flight back for commercial or business-jet passengers—an idea that comes with serious economic, technical, and environmental challenges.

When the chinquapin trees burn, they sound like jet engines taking off.

It uses air to propel the jets of water, which ends up using less liquid than some of its competitors—a benefit when the water reservoir is small.

The jet stream strengthens over the Pacific Ocean, setting up long-range patterns that are ultimately conducive to tornadoes east of the Rocky Mountains.

Guo also allowed Bannon to use his private jet to fly around promoting Republican congressional candidates in 2018, an arrangement that experts said could run afoul of campaign finance laws banning foreign donations.

Moments after their private jet landed in Sardinia in July, five passengers from Colorado were turned away from the Mediterranean island.

A number of companies are developing eVTOL with electric multi-rotor jets, and a whole new motorsport is being established around them.

Again, the big howitzers led the infernal orchestra pitting the face of no man's land with jet black blotches.

Jet black ringlets—then in vogue—clustered round an exceedingly fair face, on which there dwelt the hue of robust health.