Prairie [noun]

Definition of Prairie:


Synonyms of Prairie:

Opposite/Antonyms of Prairie:


Sentence/Example of Prairie:

He was clad in a civilian costume, which pronouncedly smacked of the prairie.

Her eyes took him in from his prairie hat to his well-booted feet.

Stanley Fyles was as nearly a perfect horseman as the prairie could produce.

He is a zoological fact, with his parallel in every herd of prairie dogs.

In a month he would pass from the prairie to university life.

With one hand she indicated the prairie that billowed away to the skyline.

Do you know what it means to live alone ten miles out on the prairie?

He had entered the life of the prairie and was more than willing to adopt its ways and its people.

At last Arizona turned from his impassive contemplation of the prairie.

Of course, I know nothing as yet of prairie ways and doings.