Juxtapositions [noun]

Definition of Juxtapositions:


Synonyms of Juxtapositions:

Opposite/Antonyms of Juxtapositions:

Sentence/Example of Juxtapositions:

That delightful juxtaposition of thoughts — reverence mixed with a sense of both danger and responsibility — is how democratic states survive.

It was this juxtaposition that fueled Stamaty’s process, specifically his interest in becoming a commercial artist while a student at the tony Cooper Union, where fine art was king.

The juxtaposition of this section of the blog to that which discusses Google’s quality raters would seem to imply that the input from the raters’ is a substantial part of this process.

To any one thoroughly familiar with the Arthurian romances, the juxtaposition of these three names is extremely significant.

In the juxtaposition of Samuel Meredith's features this quality was so strong that it influenced his entire life.

These aphorisms formed, says Littr, "a succession of propositions in juxtaposition, but not united."

A writer exhibits clear and undeniable differences between two American tribes in geographical juxtaposition to one another.

He did not put the alternatives so much in juxtaposition as I have; but they lay certainly in that manner on his thoughts.

The gypsum reposing on the mud is composed of plates in such close juxtaposition as to resemble an artificial pavement.

Rendel's quick movement as he heard the name showed that he realised what that juxtaposition meant at such a moment.