Syllabus [noun]
Definition of Syllabus:
Synonyms of Syllabus:
Opposite/Antonyms of Syllabus:
Sentence/Example of Syllabus:
Besides, it was borrowed from the syllabus of a degraded superstition.
A syllabus is highly useful in the hands of students in lecture courses.
He himself was keeping his mind on the syllabus with considerable difficulty.
A re-perusal of the Syllabus had engendered in her mind a doubt whether it was quite.
What syllabus of intellectual pursuits was simultaneously possible?
An effort has been made in this syllabus to meet this difficult situation.
This syllabus harmonises with the development of all the faculties.
The Syllabus had not permanently fixed his attention upon it.
In my syllabus of chemical lectures he scribbled many lines on the paper cover.
He was suspended from his priestly functions, dressed as a layman, and was temerarious enough to criticise the Syllabus.