Tonality [noun]

Definition of Tonality:


Synonyms of Tonality:

Opposite/Antonyms of Tonality:

Sentence/Example of Tonality:

Yet it was in one tonality; there was no harmony, no melody.

The tonality of the music of the ancients was wholly artificial and unreal.

Regarding the tonality of these scales there is not very much to be said.

The episode you quote moves evidently in the tonality of G minor.

For by this principle of tonality, melody and harmony as we know them became possible.

It is a moaning and wailing theme, accompanied by harmonies shifting in tonality.

In the Dorian mode our sensations of tonality are more confused.

They also forget that his most important aid in this is the feeling of tonality.

But the difficulty is to prove the mode or first tonality of these gamuts.

The confusion which this plan produces in the sense of tonality can readily be imagined.