Vassalage [noun]

Definition of Vassalage:


Synonyms of Vassalage:

Opposite/Antonyms of Vassalage:

Sentence/Example of Vassalage:

The vassalage of the poor has ever been the favorite offspring of Aristocracy.

They did not propose, if they could avoid it, to be forced into vassalage to the Swedes.

This is tantamount to proclaiming a form of vassalage—a thing which is not to be tolerated.

The great mass of inhabitants were kept in a state of servitude and vassalage.

Week after week went by, and we were kept in a state of vassalage.

Anything that savored of permanency smelled to him of vassalage.

This was not an act of vassalage, but a payment for public duties.

His allies were his vassals, nor was their vassalage concealed.

The price which had to be paid for Tiglath-Pileser's intervention was vassalage and tribute.

The whole world shall be in vassalage to me, but it shall be a vassalage of peace.