Chop [verb]
Definition of Chop:
cut up with tool
Synonyms of Chop:
● Cleave
● Cube
● Divide
● Mince
● Slash
● Hack
● Whack
● Hew
● Hash
● Clip
● Fragment
● Mangle
● Lop
● Fell
● Shear
● Truncate
● Sever
● Dice
● Axe
● Hackle
Sentence/Example of Chop:
For marketers, one drawback to exploring Minis is the technical chops required to develop the apps, said Garrett Woods, associate director of platforms at Fullscreen, a social content company.
Meanwhile, Microsoft already has a social media business—LinkedIn—and has the technical chops to build a social commerce operation.
Vondracek harnessed his organizational chops to organize a 48-hour session involving 150 volunteers from among the many hundreds who signed up.
From 2005 to 2012, Brazil implemented land-use zoning and paid people not to chop down forests, reducing deforestation by 70 percent.
You don’t want somebody just chopping you up, put you in pain.
They took their chop or steak at their inn or hotel, or visited the tripe houses.
"No sabby lead chop till ploddem withee dipper," explained the Chinaman, imperturbably.
Not far away from the sloop could be seen plainly that tiny chop-sea which is caused by the breaking of a school of mackerel.
Wok in de field, chop wood, hoe cawn, till sometime I feels lak mah back sholy break.
One old tree, split by a winter storm, I decided to chop down entirely.