disputatious [adjective]

Definition of disputatious:

  • Fond of or causing heated arguments
  • Contentious or argumentative

Synonyms of disputatious:

Opposite/Antonyms of disputatious:

Sentence/Example of disputatious:

His disputatious nature made him unpopular at meetings.

The lawyer's disputatious style was effective in the courtroom but tiring for his colleagues.

She avoided discussing politics with her disputatious uncle.

The meeting turned chaotic due to a few disputatious members.

His disputatious remarks often led to unnecessary conflicts.

The disputatious atmosphere of the debate club was both stimulating and exhausting.

Her disputatious personality often led her into heated arguments.

They found his disputatious attitude disruptive during the negotiation process.

Despite his disputatious tendencies, he was respected for his thorough analysis.

The disputatious student constantly challenged the teacher's points.