Conciliatory [adjective]

Definition of Conciliatory:

placid, yielding

Synonyms of Conciliatory:

Opposite/Antonyms of Conciliatory:

Sentence/Example of Conciliatory:

This basically leaves socially distanced walks as the most attractive way to catch up with people IRL, but even this conciliatory option presents problems.

This prompted a second disciplinary letter from Greene and a slightly more conciliatory one from me.

Beyond expressing their relief, some industry insiders I spoke to over the past week were struck by Apple’s newly conciliatory tone this month and are hopeful for a more open dialog with the Cupertino tech giant.

We expressed our disgust at the situation and the officer made the conciliatory suggestion that we might be able to go on anyway.

His dealings with the Continental princes, mainly in regard to shipping and commerce, were conciliatory and businesslike.

At first Wall's answers were conciliatory, but naval preparations still went on.

This the King, under the guidance of his Puritan Councillors, proceeded to do in the most conciliatory and least offensive way.

No answers were sent to North's conciliatory proposals; all alike agreed in referring them to the continental congress.

His policy, formerly in the main a conciliatory one, now became militant.

He was firm and faithful in the discharge of duty; at the same time of a conciliatory and kindly disposition.