eschew [verb]

Definition of eschew:

  • To Avoid: To deliberately avoid using, engaging in, or associating with something.
  • To Shun: To stay away from or reject something due to disapproval or preference.

Synonyms of eschew:

Opposite/Antonyms of eschew:

Sentence/Example of eschew:

She decided to eschew fast food for a healthier diet.

The politician chose to eschew controversial topics during the debate.

To maintain a peaceful environment, they eschew gossip and rumors.

He eschews all forms of social media to avoid distractions.

The company decided to eschew the use of plastic in their packaging.

Many people eschew excessive spending in favor of saving money.

The athlete eschews sugary drinks to stay in top physical condition.

They eschewed traditional methods in favor of innovative approaches.

She eschews conflict by always opting for a diplomatic approach.

The organization eschews political affiliations to remain neutral.

In his quest for simplicity, he eschews unnecessary gadgets.

The chef prefers to eschew processed ingredients in his recipes.

The artist eschews conventional techniques for a more unique style.

To avoid legal issues, the company eschews dubious business practices.

He eschews noisy environments to focus on his work.

The school eschews standardized testing in favor of holistic assessments.

She eschews expensive brands, opting for practical and affordable choices.

The team eschews individual accolades in favor of collaborative success.

The author eschews conventional plot structures for more experimental storytelling.

The religious community eschews materialism in favor of spiritual growth.

They eschewed the traditional route and took a more unconventional path.

The environmentalist eschews fossil fuels for renewable energy sources.

To maintain a balanced diet, he eschews high-fat and processed foods.

The film director eschews mainstream trends in favor of original content.

She eschews the spotlight, preferring to work behind the scenes.