Embrace [verb]

Definition of Embrace:

hold tightly in one's arms

Synonyms of Embrace:

Opposite/Antonyms of Embrace:

Sentence/Example of Embrace:

The Washington Post’s Christopher Ingraham documented research showing how Republicans were far more likely than Democrats to embrace “democratic backsliding” — a “retreat from upholding democratic norms,” as one expert put it.

This is a senior elected official in a large state, embracing the idea that what happened at the Capitol wasn’t what happened at the Capitol.

For that, you need a story, a philosophy embraced in the scented candle industry, which has been booming in the pandemic.

First Amendment devotees embraced him as “the Horatio Alger of the sexual revolution,” as a New York Times article once put it.

She cares about nothing more than getting back to where she came from, even as 2001’s Dullea is in flight, accepting his exile and even embracing it.

Meanwhile, celebrated urban historians Lewis Mumford and Jane Jacobs were quick to embrace the idea that Mellaart had finally discovered the remains of a civilization that thrived in a time before humans had rejected female power.

Where former coach Nate McMillan embraced taking quick, midrange shots if they were left open, Bjorkgren has encouraged his players to pull the trigger from outside far more often.

It seems quite possible that decreased concern about the virus and a broader embrace of living life as normal have helped push the number of deaths in more-Republican areas higher.

Over the past year, calls to defund the police have been embraced by some Americans and met with bewilderment or hostility by many others.

He learns to embrace their youth rather than race them to adulthood.