balmy [adjective]

Definition of balmy:

Mild and pleasant, especially weather that is warm and soothing.

Mentally unstable or crazy (less common usage).

Synonyms of balmy:

Opposite/Antonyms of balmy:

Sentence/Example of balmy:

The balmy breeze off the ocean made the evening perfect for a walk.

We enjoyed a balmy afternoon lounging by the pool.

In the tropics, the weather is typically balmy throughout the year.

She applied a soothing balm to her skin to relieve the balmy sunburn.

The balmy climate of the Mediterranean attracted many tourists.

Despite the balmy weather, he preferred to stay indoors.

The forecast predicted balmy temperatures for the weekend.

The air conditioner made the room feel balmy and comfortable.

The balmy summer evenings were ideal for outdoor dining.

His balmy behavior worried his friends, who thought he might need professional help.