Marriage [noun]

Definition of Marriage:

legal joining of two people; a union

Opposite/Antonyms of Marriage:

Sentence/Example of Marriage:

He has obtained from his son a solemn promise never to speak to me of marriage.

I have sought thy daughter in marriage for Xerxes, prince of the empire.

Yes, dearest Philothea; but not till she had first told me of her own marriage with Geta.

He had disapproved of the marriage of his son and evinced his displeasure in his will.

As she had two protectors against a fifth proposal of marriage, she stood her ground.

I have not dared tell them of your marriage—only of your illness.

Might not the duties of some callings be incompatible with marriage?

Marriage might be the absorbing duty of some women, but was it necessarily hers?

Not of so much as is naturally involved in marriage, I allow.

She had seen hope of freedom in marriage, but now she wished it in independence.