Name [noun]

Definition of Name:

title given to something, someone

Opposite/Antonyms of Name:

Sentence/Example of Name:

Hence the hair of the deceased was consecrated to her, and her name invoked at funerals.

Say, honestly, I didn't know my own name till I had a chanst to look me over.

"The name of Socrates recalls Alcibiades to my mind," rejoined Anaxagoras.

He took the card from the florist's envelope and glanced at the name.

There's a broker I've known down-town—fellow by the name of Relpin.

Robert was right in calling him a miser, but he had not always deserved the name.

He went over to the desk and began to scribble a name on the pad of paper.

His arms tightened about her as he said the name over and over.

It was his habit to affect that he constantly forgot his mother's name.

And there was the wench too—he had fairly forgotten her name.