Onslaught [noun]

Definition of Onslaught:


Synonyms of Onslaught:

Opposite/Antonyms of Onslaught:

Sentence/Example of Onslaught:

And the surprise of his onslaught proved an ally of unguessed potency.

Kirkwood turned to meet her onslaught with a mien grave, determined, unflinching.

And so forty-eight hours were left one to prepare for the onslaught.

If so, he could easily have risked some 20,000 in the first onslaught.

General Foch not only checked the German onslaught, but drove it back.

The first onslaught of the Austrians in August, 1914, had been driven back.

The grotto was completely lost to sight beneath the onslaught of vegetation.

"Really," said the Bishop, who had at length recovered from Father Dan's onslaught.

Leaping as far into the roadway as I could, I turned to meet the fellow's onslaught.

As soon as the hounds are near his lair, they will make their onslaught.