Rueful [adjective]

Definition of Rueful:


Synonyms of Rueful:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rueful:


Sentence/Example of Rueful:

Duncan drew a rueful face, contemplating the place where she had been.

"You were right," affirmed Kirkwood, with a rueful and crooked smile.

You will do the anathema--rueful rather than enraged--from the tent opening.

Captain Elisha, with a rueful smile, pointed to the floral centerpiece.

"Naturally, and with reason," was the answer, delivered with a rueful smile.

This was the windmill, indeed, and he a poor knight of rueful countenance.

With which the manager relapsed into silence, rueful and melancholy.

"It went terribly against the grain," he said, with a rueful laugh.

And poor Sandy turned a rueful look on the surrounders as he finished.

"Well, it is a good way," began Peter, with rather a rueful face.