schlep [noun]

Definition of schlep:

  • To carry or drag something heavy or awkward with difficulty. (Verb)
  • A tedious or difficult journey. (Noun)
  • An awkward or stupid person. (Informal)

Synonyms of schlep:

Opposite/Antonyms of schlep:

Sentence/Example of schlep:

I had to schlep all my groceries up four flights of stairs.

He schlepped the heavy suitcase through the airport.

She schlepped the kids to soccer practice every Saturday.

We schlepped around the city looking for the perfect apartment.

I don't want to schlep all that equipment to the beach.

He schlepped the heavy box of books to his car.

I hate to schlep to work every day.

She schlepped the laundry down to the basement.

We schlepped through the snow to get to the store.

I don't feel like schlepping to the gym today.

It's such a schlep to get to the train station.

The commute to work is a real schlep.

Going to the grocery store is a total schlep.

It was a long schlep home in the snow.

I don't want to make that schlep again.

Don't be such a schlep and help me with this.

He's a total schlep for forgetting my birthday.

She's such a schlep, she can't find her way around.

Don't be such a schlep and spill your drink.

He's a real schlep for not knowing how to use a computer.

She's such a schlep, she always forgets her keys.

Don't be a schlep and leave your dishes in the sink.

He's a total schlep for not calling back.

She's such a schlep for missing the appointment.

Don't be a schlep and forget to lock the door.