Uplifted [verb]

Definition of Uplifted:

elevate, inspire

Synonyms of Uplifted:

Opposite/Antonyms of Uplifted:

Sentence/Example of Uplifted:

When I passed an hour later she was still there, her hand on the uplifted latch.

He stopped an instant with uplifted foot, then turned and made directly for us.

In the meantime, the uplifted hand of Hawkeye was above him.

They rescued the people from barbarism, and uplifted the standard of the cross.

I saw that it would never do with us, and that it ought, as a matter of fact, to be uplifted.

"She'll be there," he told himself, and he walked home with uplifted head.

"It's yonder," he cried, and pointed it out to himself with uplifted finger.

The Father had risen to his feet, and he spoke the last words with uplifted hand.

At one moment he was uplifted by strong emotions, at the next moment he was in collapse.

The people took the oath with uplifted hands and a great shout.