Wince [verb]

Definition of Wince:

draw back

Synonyms of Wince:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wince:



Sentence/Example of Wince:

Because she saw him wince when she mentioned Christine, her ill temper increased.

To talk to this woman of her mother made her wince, but it had to be done.

That ball grazed her tail, but she is too old a soldier to wince at trifles.

How the friends of darkness, how the demons must wince and tremble.

He talked of renunciation, but it was with an anguish so keen as to make me wince for him who felt it.

Neither at these nor at any other questions did Mr. Furniss wince.

"Your enthusiasm determines me," quoth I, with an irony that made him wince.

Opposite him Galliard resumed his seat with a mocking smile that made him wince.

He caught Gregory's wrist in a grip that made him wince, and forced him back into his seat.

He stooped to her and caught her wrists in a grip that made her wince.