acrimony [noun]

Definition of acrimony:

Bitterness or sharpness in words, manner, or temper, often arising from a conflict or disagreement.

Synonyms of acrimony:

Opposite/Antonyms of acrimony:

Sentence/Example of acrimony:

Their divorce was marked by intense acrimony and disputes over custody.

The debate on the issue was characterized by acrimony between the two political parties.

The negotiations ended in acrimony as neither side was willing to compromise.

Acrimony among teammates led to a breakdown in team unity.

Despite their acrimony, they managed to maintain a professional relationship.

The family feud had simmered with acrimony for years.

The acrimony between the neighbors escalated into a legal dispute.

His resignation was met with acrimony from colleagues who disagreed with his decisions.

The courtroom was filled with acrimony as the lawyers argued fiercely.

Acrimony in the workplace often leads to decreased productivity and morale.