Bigoted [adjective]

Definition of Bigoted:

intolerant, prejudiced

Synonyms of Bigoted:

Opposite/Antonyms of Bigoted:

Sentence/Example of Bigoted:

In both Discord and Clubhouse, the in-group culture—nerdy gamers in Discord’s case, overconfident venture capitalists for Clubhouse—have led to instances of groupthink that can be off-putting at best and bigoted at worst.

Why did Politico give “its biggest platform” to a pundit with “a long history of bigoted and incendiary commentary, particularly in the aftermath of last week’s violence,” one Politico reporter posted on an internal messaging platform.

Previously, Americans who held bigoted views felt at least some pressure to keep those opinions to themselves.

We were approaching a large town of bigoted people, wondering how we should secure an opening for our message.

There are the narratives of the Spanish conquerors, especially of Pizarro's chaplain, Valverde, an ignorant bigoted fanatic.

He refused to kneel, and was punished with great cruelty by the bigoted and intolerant House.

No conservatism in the world is so bigoted as American conservatism; no democracy so intense.

The collision in the drama is not at all between "bigoted churchmanship" and evangelicalism, but between irreligion and religion.

Keble desired an England "more superstitious, more bigoted, more gloomy, more fierce in its religion."

"An eccentric; bigoted, sullen and conceited," reflected Josie, in considering his character.