Conveyance [noun]

Definition of Conveyance:


Synonyms of Conveyance:

Opposite/Antonyms of Conveyance:

Sentence/Example of Conveyance:

The order states passengers must wear masks “while boarding, disembarking, and traveling on any conveyance into or within the United States,” as well as “at any transportation hub that provides transportation within the United States.”

It is more usual, however, to set forth the transaction in a single writing or conveyance.

On the other hand by proper evidence it can be shown that an absolute conveyance was intended to be only a mortgage.

It was not until about 1644 that a weekly conveyance of letters, by post, was established throughout that kingdom.

From White Lodge she was told she had better take a private conveyance to her destination.

One of the most important sections relates to the conveyance of real estate.

I had the choice of three modes of conveyance—palanquins, camels, or oxen bailis.

I decided, therefore, on adopting the less costly mode of conveyance by oxen.

I had now seen all, and therefore asked the doctor to order me a conveyance to Indor, 180 miles distant, for the next day.

They paid over the money, were handed the documents of conveyance in return, and left the place.