Emaciation [noun]

Definition of Emaciation:


Synonyms of Emaciation:

Opposite/Antonyms of Emaciation:


Sentence/Example of Emaciation:

Indeed, the uphill trend is partially responsible for the emaciation of all-mountain skis.

Her face, notwithstanding its emaciation, reminded him of Latta, the wife of his friend and fellow-countryman Schmidt.

Its muscles were strangely contracted, the fingers thin to emaciation, the back of the hand closely puckered up.

Her face had grown thin to emaciation, and there were deep blue lines under her eyes.

The emaciation of his long form was plainly seen through the single scarlet blanket which covered it.

The arms and legs of the child showed a contraction and emaciation which could only result from illness.

Ricketty children, emaciation and deformity constitute their chief stock in trade.

Convalescence is slow and protracted, as in severe cases emaciation and debility are marked.

Once more Michael observed her unhealthy emaciation, which was beginning to take on the miserable appearance of consumption.

The fever is not so high as it was, but the pain in the side, the cough, the emaciation are there still.