Female [adjective]

Definition of Female:

having the qualities or characteristics of a woman

Synonyms of Female:

Opposite/Antonyms of Female:

Sentence/Example of Female:

Rakefet Russak-Aminoach was one of the sector’s rare female CEOs until June 2019 when she stepped down as CEO of Bank Leumi, Israel’s largest bank by market cap.

When a pregnant female mouse smells an unfamiliar male mouse, her body terminates the pregnancy, and she becomes able to conceive with the new male relatively quickly.

Last year, I wrote about why Wall Street’s big banks had never had a female CEO.

The studio, the lone major studio headed by a woman in Donna Langley, also led in female directors, writers and producers, as well as lead roles from underrepresented groups.

Directors with CEO experience—a requirement that has shut out many female and nonwhite candidates—made up 50% of new board members last year, down from 60% the year prior.

We will talk about new research, experiences of women in SEO and solutions for improving female representation and pay equity in the search industry.

It’s not the easiest time to be a female CEO, says Aileen Lee.

In fact, according to a 2019 analysis of responses from over 14,000 female Strava users, 72 percent said they have received no education about exercise and their periods.

There’s always this thing attached to it as if the default is not female.

A flightless, juvenal female was obtained by local boys at Pisté on July 21.