Suppression [noun]

Definition of Suppression:


Synonyms of Suppression:

Opposite/Antonyms of Suppression:


Sentence/Example of Suppression:

But Mr. Wititterly's feelings were beyond the power of suppression.

Her affection for her children was expressed by the suppression of all signs of anxiety.

Suppression: the non-development of a part normally present.

At last their violence arose to a height which brought on their suppression.

The business was stated to be the suppression of Popery and the healing of the jars of the Church.

Turgot demanded the suppression of this declaration of intolerance.

The popular preachers vanished also on the suppression of the movement.

Its suppression is asked for, as I have said, to give peace and security to slaveholders.

There is no stinting of the epic proportions or suppression of the epic devices.

Benezet was primarily interested in the suppression of the slave trade.