Transporter [noun]

Definition of Transporter:


Synonyms of Transporter:

Opposite/Antonyms of Transporter:

Sentence/Example of Transporter:

In the other class of transporter the load is not usually moved 372 through such long distances.

As far as I can remember, it was a bus company called Transporter del Norte.

On the English transporter we were pressed and packed like salted herrings.

The same holds true of a farmer, miner, transporter, merchant or anybody else who directs industry.

Under the direction of the Grand Mognac, the Martians placed the terrible weapons in the transporter prepared for them.

An inquiry produced the information that they were the first instalment of a "transbordeur," or transporter bridge.

The Nantes "transporter" over the Loire differs from its fellows in one respect, viz.

The transporter bridge in a primitive form has existed for some centuries, but its present design is of very modern growth.

In the affairs of manufacturer and transporter of commodities, methods are no less revolutionary.