Witness [noun]

Definition of Witness:

person who observes an event

Synonyms of Witness:

Opposite/Antonyms of Witness:

Sentence/Example of Witness:

Avice Milbrey had the fortune to witness one of these bed-time causeries.

The reverential care bestowed on this grave is delightful to witness.

And then, as if they had been on the witness stand, he looked searchingly at Linda.

Same tone as if trying his best to encourage the witness in his statements.

Have done and witness, then go, order me horses and an escort, for I ride at once.

Heaven is my witness, that there is no sacrifice I would not make for you.

I see it is also the name of the witness appealed to by Mrs. Morton—humph!

He grew sick, his son might have heard the witness—might be convinced.

Now then, Mr. Beaufort, we have the witness, but will that suffice us?

And the question, then, will be, how far that witness will suffice?