Danders [noun]

Definition of Danders:


Synonyms of Danders:

Opposite/Antonyms of Danders:

Sentence/Example of Danders:

Think about how frequently you’re hoping to vacuum your home and how much dust, dirt, and pet dander might accumulate in the meantime.

Certain filters are better at snatching odors or pet dander, others are better at cleaning tobacco smoke from the air.

"De Gen'l done got his dander up now, an' he yells," 'Carry de Reb sommers out'r sight o' de ladies an' hang him.'

No one but Rube would have attempted such a thing; but he never stopped to think about odds or chances when his dander was up.

I give ye fair warnin',—yer've raised my dander, an' put my Ebenezer up.

Their favorite dissipation, when their looms had come to rest, was a dander through the kirk-yard.

It seems that there is nothing for style like a man's dander being put up.

There came a kind of Highland snuffle out of the man that raised my dander strangely.

Dat raised my dander, and I grabbed de box and frowed it right over dar heads and cotched 'em fast.

At first Gavinia was mildly curious only, but her husband's refusal to answer any questions roused her dander.