Dispensations [noun]

Definition of Dispensations:

allocation of supply

Synonyms of Dispensations:

Opposite/Antonyms of Dispensations:

Sentence/Example of Dispensations:

While the new political dispensation allows Nyang and others to poke fun at Gambian leaders, the spread of social media has also opened up space for new voices.

Seen thus poverty became rather a blessing than a curse, or at least a dispensation prescribing the proper lot of man.

As for the ruin of any other party, the idea, by a very happy dispensation, never once occurred to him.

For these people, under the older dispensation, there was nothing but the poorhouse, the jail or starvation by the roadside.

And not less, than under a former dispensation, is the exercise represented as an act of obedience in New Testament times.

It stands enjoined among those precepts that are inculcated for every dispensation.

In the Everlasting Covenant, provision was made for Covenanting under the last or present dispensation.

It has, consequently, all the characteristics of a testament, and of a dispensation of the Covenant of Grace.

The present dispensation has, therefore, the third and last mark both of a testament and of a covenant.

Young Malcolm was looking at her as though he felt that a special dispensation of Providence had brought them together.