Dumps [noun]

Definition of Dumps:


Synonyms of Dumps:

Opposite/Antonyms of Dumps:

Sentence/Example of Dumps:

If she could laugh like that, he need not stay in the dumps.

If he couldn't get what he wanted at the Morrises', he went out and stole, or visited the dumps at the back of the town.

Dumps were made at frequent intervals along the front containing all the materials required for consolidation.

The men are splendid—their cheeriness comes up bubbling whenever the occasion calls for the dumps.

Again the atmosphere of dignified dumps and dingy sulkiness.

One doesn't like to be in the dumps without being obliged to be.

When available a narrow, deep canyon, or a tunnel, may take the places of dumps.

I am sorry to find you in the dumps; yet you have every reason to be cheerful.

The minute he saw his chum in the dumps, he set about restoring his spirits.

But he was shortly to be shaken out of his dumps, and made an Englishman and a soldier.