Effigy [noun]
Definition of Effigy:
Synonyms of Effigy:
Sentence/Example of Effigy:
They lit candles at their windows and in front of the many effigies of Maradona that dot Napoli’s streets and its homes, often alongside saints.
This was that Alderman Henry Smith whose tomb and effigy are so conspicuous in the parish church.
Even if they failed to obtain it the funeral rites were duly paid to an effigy of the deceased.
Sedgrave, the mayor, who had sat quiet during the former service, produced a rosary and prayed openly before the bloody effigy.
It has his effigy in armour, with an ermined mantle, his feet leaning against a lion couchant.
The last flickering embers of the burning effigy died out and the scene was almost dark.
Witness French Montholieu, for one; Count, or whatever he styled himself; nailed to the gallows (in effigy) after he had fled.
Inside are countless Buddhas, the usual smell of smoky butter-lamps, and an effigy of the saint.
He was buried in his own cathedral where his effigy still remains.
The Duke and the Landhofmeisterin raged, and the day of the burning in effigy was fixed.