Forsworn [verb]

Definition of Forsworn:

abandon, disavow

Synonyms of Forsworn:

Opposite/Antonyms of Forsworn:

Sentence/Example of Forsworn:

But the vows which pain had extorted were forsworn on the return of health.

He did not want to dance between those white arms so easily forsworn.

If I called the recusants forsworn and perjured, thinkest thou the pure in Heaven charged my soul with a sin?

Once again I must seek those adventures which I had forsworn when my evil star shone so brightly over a gold mine.

The United States had forsworn knowledge, and for a time no one had been able to say from whence they had come.

This tiny plant seemed to have forgotten its shyness and to have forsworn its love for moist, shaded, mossy rocks.

It has forsworn thee, I'l swear, it is the ancient enemy to thy house.

There is only one thing to be done—to copy M. d'Indy's example; for that forsworn enemy of criticism is himself a keen critic.

Then blind indignation against that forsworn betrayer surged to revive her.

He who for gold or light love forfeited his pledged word was a forsworn coward.