Utilize [verb]

Definition of Utilize:

make use of

Synonyms of Utilize:

Opposite/Antonyms of Utilize:







Sentence/Example of Utilize:

Should there be an attempt to utilize the political machinery of the time?

"I feel that I can utilize the time better by reading," I replied.

Third, do not be afraid to utilize commonplace facts and illustrations.

It makes us feel that discipline is unnecessary, if we utilize the right methods.

"I don't see my way to utilize your services," he said, with cold finality.

I only wish I had a grandfather, and wouldn't I utilize him!

He resolved to utilize it in the construction of the chancel screen.

I am tempted to utilize your talent for that sort of thing once more.

What should we do with wax if we did not know how to utilize it?

In the case of Cutbush there was a strong desire to utilize chemistry in manufacture.