Exercise [noun]

Definition of Exercise:

work, effort

Synonyms of Exercise:

Opposite/Antonyms of Exercise:

Sentence/Example of Exercise:

Because the best exercise is the one you’ll stick to long-term.

These wearable exercise tools contain small weights, which add an extra layer of effort to your strength training routine.

Strengthening those muscles with exercises like squats, leg presses, or any single leg movement, can help with the pain, Robertson says.

It’s an exercise that can lead to business optimization in novel ways.

As a result, I was invited in the early aughts to play a Times reporter in a “tabletop” exercise organized by New York City.

Google search traffic for cooking, exercise and crafts remains above normal levels.

Give each “station” a silly name, race between them, and boom—an exercise routine becomes a fun game.

So when paired with resistance training, BCAAs may help your body better respond to the stress placed on them through exercise.

This version of the exercise has over 100 different items to estimate and will keep track of your progress from round to round.

I’d have one or two good weeks followed by a lackluster one where I could barely rally to run more than three miles and do some physical therapy exercises.