Antique [adjective]

Definition of Antique:


Synonyms of Antique:

Opposite/Antonyms of Antique:

Sentence/Example of Antique:

Cummings, a retired antique store owner, moved from Newton and found ideological kinship just across the county line, in rural and ever-redder Jasper.

In this line of thinking, it’s okay to chuckle when Borat destroys an antique shop’s goods in the first film because the owner has some Confederate paraphernalia.

Chuck and Lucius brought a Victorian hamper filled with fine china plates, Austrian crystal, silver, and antique damask napkins.

Although the cabin is off the grid, you can plug in at the main house, and there’s warm water for showers and the antique bathtub on the porch.

The metal is finished in an antique bronze color, and comes fully assembled.

It was an antique, half-Gothic, half-Saracenic looking edifice, which they now approached.

It is architecturally more pleasing and its windows are among the finest examples of antique stained glass in the Kingdom.

Pictures, tapestry, antique articles of furniture which had been in the house for centuries still remained.

On the front of the house was an ancient sun-dial, and across it, in antique letters, the legend "Time will show."

The germs of a new life, says Dr. Lbke, were in embryo in the dying antique world.