Challenge [noun]

Definition of Challenge:

dispute, question

Synonyms of Challenge:

Opposite/Antonyms of Challenge:

Sentence/Example of Challenge:

The federal government reacted by increasing prison sentences, making it harder to challenge wrongful convictions, enabling police searches and seizures, and enacting strict criminal codes.

That concept—of delineating work and home as the two spaces coalesce—is ultimately the challenge of videoconferencing during a pandemic.

It’s unclear if the union will challenge that start date if its criteria aren’t met.

For that reason, the researchers still like the idea of an iron patch, and they describe some research identifying the challenges and working toward solutions.

What we have learned is to work collaboratively like never before, to challenge our thinking, and to accelerate the drug development process.

I know that in putting this before you I challenge some of the most popular affectations of cultivated people.

He even fancied that something of challenge flashed from her, though without definite words or gesture.

Hilda impetuously turned her head; their glances met for an instant, in suspicion, challenge, animosity.

The challenge was accepted and the hay-wagon driven round and the trial commenced.

In a flash Isabel had responded with a challenge of appeal, which that accomplished dame was quick to understand.