Developing [verb]

Definition of Developing:

cultivate, prosper

Synonyms of Developing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Developing:

Sentence/Example of Developing:

Meanwhile, another form of imitation is developing, the fashioning of lasting semblances.

And his mind at least was happy in its new sense of expansion and acquisition, its increasing and developing powers.

Here the legs may have grown the longer, there the arms, the limbs developing in accordance with their degree of employment.

"But I do not observe any symptoms of that malady developing themselves at present," added the doctor.

Their intelligence is of a generalized character, and is capable of developing in new channels.

Though the bones of the man-ape have not been found, relics of several stages of developing man exist.

Commissioned with the sale of Aigues, when General de Montcornet became wearied with developing his property.

The repeating rifle now seemed an interesting possibility and large sums were spent in developing a weapon of this type.

The more normal and well balanced a community is, the greater are the child's chances of developing a well-balanced personality.

They expressed the opinion in writing that Burbage had expended at least £240 in developing the property.