Now [adverb]

Definition of Now:


Opposite/Antonyms of Now:

Sentence/Example of Now:

This trained neutrality of Mrs. Bines served her finely now.

At length the servant returned, saying his master was now ready to see them.

The reason I write promptly is that you may not go out of the country just now.

Now you and sis never get up with any such light poetic notion as that.

Dad and the mater both say the same now—they're more severe than I was.

The impulse that had prompted him to hail her now prompted wild words.

"Now you are angry with me," exclaimed the sensitive maiden; and she burst into tears.

You can even now return, if you will submit to be a mere sojourner in Athens.

I have more than once tried to deceive you, but you will feel that I am not now speaking falsely.

Look at him now over there, the way he goes around butting into strangers.