Past [adjective]

Definition of Past:

preceding, done

Synonyms of Past:

Opposite/Antonyms of Past:

Sentence/Example of Past:

I could see she was annoyed and a little worried, because he was past taking notice.

He could not avoid contrasting this behaviour with his past preaching.

Plato perceived that the contemplative maiden was busy with memories of the past.

But the first words he uttered showed a total unconsciousness of past events.

“I am afraid he is past ransom,” said the youth, shaking his head.

It died just as the languages of most of our Indian tribes have become a thing of the past.

The past slid from him so easily, he forgot even to try to forget.

It is not your privilege as a nation to speak of a distant past.

I thanked her, when she came up, for her past service to me.

As we do, we must not repeat the well-intentioned errors of our past.