Shielded [verb]

Definition of Shielded:


Synonyms of Shielded:

Opposite/Antonyms of Shielded:

Sentence/Example of Shielded:

Gracie, shielded by the distance, turned on her stool and studied him.

A native gunner then shielded him with his body, until he also was hit.

But much as she shielded him, the truth could not be concealed.

They brought me up, they received me, and shielded me from misery.

The egotism he displayed in the enjoyment of his good fortune, shielded him from any fault.

We should have shielded our ventilators to keep off the snow.

He was hampered by the care of the instrument, which must be shielded from all blows or falls.

Never before had she been shielded from the pests of outdoor life.

With motherly kindness she shielded me from all questioning.

As they passed by, Lennon shielded Elsie from the unpleasant sight.