Uncharitable [adjective]

Definition of Uncharitable:


Synonyms of Uncharitable:

Opposite/Antonyms of Uncharitable:

Sentence/Example of Uncharitable:

For the laws of the states are uncharitable to one another in this respect.

It is very unwise to do that, and sometimes it may be most uncharitable.

I don't like to be uncharitable, but they seem, in a way, so improper.

He says that he "denounced" its course, "as illegal, uncharitable, and cruel."

But that she is very—what shall I say of her that will not seem harsh or uncharitable?

You know how uncharitable even the best of friends are at odd times.

The highest exercise of charity is charity towards the uncharitable.

It is a prejudice that seems to me—and to my father—unchristian and uncharitable.

It is not uncharitable to say, that as a policy, it is "out of date."

You did not use to be so uncharitable, nor so unreasonable. '