Generous [adjective]

Definition of Generous:

giving, big-hearted

Opposite/Antonyms of Generous:

Sentence/Example of Generous:

Most of the television interviews he’s given as president have gone to Fox News or Fox Business, including a sprawling, generous one Tuesday morning.

I hurriedly filled a plastic container with wet dirt and leaves and added a generous helping of earthworms.

The episode didn’t dull Wall Street’s enthusiasm because investors can rely on TransDigm to send its profits back to shareholders through generous dividends and stock buybacks — nearly $600 million over the past five years.

This is one in a series presenting news on technology and innovation, made possible with generous support from the Lemelson Foundation.

In a series of experiments reported in 2013, researchers tested to see if dancing or chanting together made people feel more generous toward members of their group.

States can continue to offer benefits regardless of what the federal government does, but those don’t last forever, either — and some states are less generous than others.

The concern is that potentially that “don’t target” impetus led to payments that are so generous that, in fact, they encourage separations.

It has been made possible with generous support from Arconic Foundation.

The Nordic countries rely on most people paying relatively high taxes, which is how they can afford such generous benefits.

At sight of this generous enemy, this faithful friend, how could he restrain the grateful impulse to fling himself into his arms!