conceit [noun]

Definition of conceit:

  • Excessive pride in oneself: an exaggerated sense of self-importance.
  • A fanciful or ingenious idea or notion: often used in literature.

Synonyms of conceit:

Opposite/Antonyms of conceit:

Sentence/Example of conceit:

His conceit was evident in the way he spoke down to others.

Her conceit made it difficult for her to accept criticism.

His conceit knew no bounds, as he believed himself to be superior to everyone.

The politician's conceit was a major obstacle to his success.

She was so full of conceit that she couldn't see how her behavior affected others.

His conceit blinded him to the flaws in his plan.

The company's downfall was largely due to the CEO's conceit.

Her conceit was a barrier to building genuine relationships.

His conceit often led to misunderstandings and conflicts.

The actress's conceit was legendary in Hollywood.

His conceit was a constant source of irritation to his colleagues.

She was so full of conceit that she couldn't appreciate the talents of others.

The politician's conceit was a major factor in his electoral defeat.

His conceit made it difficult to work collaboratively.

Her conceit was a barrier to personal growth.

The poet used a clever conceit to compare love to a garden.

The architect's conceit was to build a house that resembled a ship.

The writer employed a witty conceit to describe the character's emotions.

The artist's painting was filled with elaborate conceits.

The playwright used a conceit to explore the theme of identity.

The poet's conceit was a striking image of loss.

The architect's conceit was both innovative and practical.

The writer's conceit added depth and complexity to the story.

The artist's conceit was a visual representation of a complex idea.

The playwright's conceit was a powerful tool for storytelling.