fillip [noun]

Definition of fillip:

  • Something that acts as a stimulus or boost to an activity.
  • A slight, sharp movement made by a flick of the finger.

Synonyms of fillip:

Opposite/Antonyms of fillip:

Sentence/Example of fillip:

The new marketing strategy gave a fillip to the company's sales.

Her unexpected promotion acted as a fillip to her career.

The arrival of the special guest provided a much-needed fillip to the event.

The announcement of the bonus served as a fillip for employee morale.

The positive feedback was a fillip to his confidence.

The government hoped the new policy would provide a fillip to the economy.

The victory in the first game gave the team a fillip for the rest of the tournament.

The good news provided a fillip to their spirits.

The injection of funds acted as a fillip to the struggling project.

The successful launch gave a fillip to the company's reputation.

The pep talk from the coach was a fillip for the team before the big match.

The new product launch gave a fillip to the company's market share.

The unexpected applause was a fillip to the performer's confidence.

The research grant provided a fillip to the scientist's work.

The recent recognition served as a fillip for her continuous hard work.