Undoubtedly [adverb]

Definition of Undoubtedly:


Synonyms of Undoubtedly:

Opposite/Antonyms of Undoubtedly:

Sentence/Example of Undoubtedly:

Much, nay most, of this was undoubtedly owing to the genius of the songstress.

It was undoubtedly a facer; but Scottie came back in his usual calm manner.

Undoubtedly he was possessed of a tremendous regard for the girl Allis.

Physically he had undoubtedly improved; his legs had hardened and smoothed down.

John Porter was undoubtedly brightened by the daughter's visit.

It is undoubtedly better to deceive him entirely, and since he will be stubborn he must be tricked.

"Undoubtedly you will wish to see the palace of M'tela," said he with deep wile.

I had undoubtedly brought on myself a fit of the "horrors," by my recent excesses.

Gratitude was undoubtedly a principal occasion of this urgency.

But the mixture was undoubtedly flat, stale and unprofitable.