denigrate [verb]

Definition of denigrate:

  • To speak damagingly of; criticize in a derogatory manner; sully; defame.
  • To treat or represent as lacking in value or importance; belittle; disparage.

Synonyms of denigrate:

Opposite/Antonyms of denigrate:

Sentence/Example of denigrate:

I wouldn't for a moment wish to decry or denigrate the very real achievements made by disabled people.

He often denigrates his competitors to make himself look better.

The article denigrated her efforts and minimized her achievements.

She felt hurt when her friends denigrated her new project.

The politician's speech was aimed at denigrating his opponent.

The politician's speech was aimed at denigrating his opponent.

Critics should not denigrate the hard work of artists.

He denigrated her ideas without offering any constructive feedback.

It's unfair to denigrate someone based on their background.

The teacher never denigrates her students, always encouraging them instead.

They attempted to denigrate his reputation with false accusations.

The review denigrated the film, calling it a complete waste of time.

She refused to let anyone denigrate her for her choices.

The rumor was intended to denigrate the company's image.

He has a habit of denigrating his colleagues in meetings.

Social media can often be a platform where people denigrate others anonymously.

It's not productive to denigrate others when you disagree with them.

The article unjustly denigrated the efforts of the volunteers.

He felt denigrated by the negative comments about his work.

She spoke out against those who denigrated the accomplishments of women.

Denigrating others does not make you look better.

The campaign was designed to denigrate the rival candidate's character.