malleable [adjective]

Definition of malleable:

  • Able to be hammered or pressed into shape without breaking.
  • Easily influenced or shaped; pliable.

Synonyms of malleable:

Opposite/Antonyms of malleable:

Sentence/Example of malleable:

Gold is a malleable metal that can be shaped into various ornaments.

Children's minds are malleable and easily influenced by their environment.

The clay was malleable enough to be molded into any shape.

The politician's stance on the issue was malleable and subject to change.

The company's business plan was malleable and could be adapted to market conditions.

The young actor was malleable and eager to learn new roles.

The dough was malleable and easy to work with.

The politician's supporters were a malleable group easily swayed by promises.

The metal was heated until it became malleable enough to be formed.

The child's personality was malleable and shaped by their experiences.

The clay was malleable in the potter's hands.

The politician's opinions were malleable and often changed.

The young athlete was malleable and eager to improve their skills.

The company's strategy was malleable and could be adjusted as needed.

The politician's supporters were a malleable group easily swayed by promises.

The clay was malleable enough to be used for sculpting.

The young dancer's body was malleable and easily trained.

The politician's stance on the issue was malleable and open to negotiation.

The company's business model was malleable and could be adapted to new markets.

The child's mind was malleable and open to new ideas.

The metal was heated until it reached a malleable state.

The politician's supporters were a malleable group easily influenced by the media.

The clay was malleable enough to be used for pottery.

The young artist was malleable and open to experimentation.

The company's culture was malleable and could adapt to changing times.