Points [noun]

Definition of Points:


Synonyms of Points:

Opposite/Antonyms of Points:

Sentence/Example of Points:

"And copper's up two points to-day," said Percival, cheerfully.

But these are not the only points to which you look for vigilant watchfulness.

We must study our parents' opinions in the main, but not in points of detail.

What points should be considered in the selection of desserts?

What, then, does this important witness have to say, which bears upon the points at issue?

And he points out that within the triangle was the Svastika cross.

He hated to have to explain the points of his anecdotes, as, indeed, what story-teller does not?

But all underclays agree in two points: they are all unstratified.

There are points of view foreign to our way of looking at things.

Long before these points were settled, the challenge was given and accepted.