Register [noun]
Definition of Register:
list, record
Synonyms of Register:
● Roster
● Log
● Schedule
● Annals
● Ledger
● Scroll
● Catalog
● Book
● Diary
● Archives
● File
● Entry
● Roll
● Registry
Opposite/Antonyms of Register:
Sentence/Example of Register:
The fat man from behind the register had come to take his order.
Gradually a new series of impressions began to register on Martin's brain.
Consider, the register itself is destroyed—the clergyman dead.
He owned that the copy of the register had been found by Lilburne in a secret drawer.
A pressure-gauge to register the depth of the sinker has been added by Sir William.
He must give up all his claims, and register a vow never to take revenge.
In the margin of the register is written, “This was her funeral text.”
Sometimes after the name in the register is added the words, “Not worth £600.”
And again and again it began afresh: "Give me back my register!"
So you were too close to register, leastways till it was way too late.