Scan [verb]

Definition of Scan:

look over, scrutinize lightly

Opposite/Antonyms of Scan:

Sentence/Example of Scan:

We summon all our knowledge of the past and we scan all signs of the future.

Kirkwood shook his head, turning to scan the seascape with a gloomy gaze.

No sentiment of curiosity impelled them to raise their heads and scan the tree.

Then he looked at me, and his brooding eyes seemed to scan my face.

As he sat thus, I had time to mark him well, and scan every detail of his appearance.

I had ample time to scan his features and canvass their every lineament.

Maria gave her the opera-glasses and she raised them to scan the house.

The fire-light enabled me to scan the appearance of my new acquaintance.

The viewscreen tracked it for an instant, then continued its scan.

"Certainly its name is Flore," he said: yet he continued to scan it with a puzzled eye.